This is the cover art for 'Going Alcohol-Free Later in Life', an episode of the To 50 and Beyond Podcast. The host Lori Massicot, a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair, smiles while wearing a while blouse.

Episode 184

Going alcohol-free isn’t about the finish line, it’s about the path of self-discovery + adventure + a new way of living.

Going alcohol-free *can* be just like going gluten-free. You make a plan not to drink alcohol, and you practice that plan daily. 

Alcohol-free = no alcohol. 

I know, it sounds so easy. It's not, but the longer you go without drinking, the simpler it can be.  

Going alcohol-free later in life supports your overall well-being as you age, just the same as a certain eating plan or exercise plan.

It’s a lifestyle that if you let it, can be one of the best experiences of your life.

You'll learn:

  • Changing our interpretation of alcohol-free living

  •  Making shame smaller by taking action

  •  The alcohol-free lifestyle: what it is and what it isn’t

  •  How to get started on your alcohol-free journey

  •  How to observe your drinking to cut back or quit 

  •  The #1 habit essential to going alcohol-free

    And a round of answers to some of the most frequent questions that I receive from beautiful badass women in the middle of life about sobriety, like: 

    Should I quit or moderate, the language of sobriety, how to rebound from a slip up so you don’t fall down the rabbit hole of drinking, feeling deprived while socializing, do you need the willpower to quit, what do I tell people about my choice to quit drinking, and how to make an alcohol-free lifestyle stick. 

Related episodes: 

How to Create a Daily Plan to Help You Stay Alcohol-Free 

5 Essential Ways to Manage Cravings and Urges Without Drinking

5 Practical Tips to Help You Stop Drinking in Midlife and Beyond

Ready for something different?

Discover the Path to Thriving in an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle: Find the Plan, Inspiration, and Support You Deserve!

Join our exclusive membership community, Team Alcohol-Free, today and gain access to weekly meetings, resources, workshops, and new alcohol-free friends.  

Join here. 

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