This is the cover art for 'Keep Your Choice Not to Drink Close This Holiday', an episode of the To 50 and Beyond Podcast. Lori Massicot is sitting on a staircase, smiling in a navy blazer.

Episode 232

The holidays are challenging for us all in some ways; adding in sobriety, it may seem a bit more challenging. 

I'm coming to you today just to let you know that you are not alone if you are feeling the pressure this holiday and are having drinking thoughts like, it’s the holiday, I can get back on track with sobriety in the New Year. Those thoughts are normal they come and go, and sometimes they feel like they linger FOREVER, but they don’t, they are fleeting just like alcohol. 

In this episode, I want to highlight the importance of honoring your choice not to drink to help you stay on track and also to help you build your alcohol-free muscle.



What You'll Discover:

  • How I spent my first holiday sober and what I learned

  • How to shift your mindset to focus on thoughts that support your choice to go alcohol-free

  • Tips to help you process your emotions without drinking

  • The importance of honoring your decision not to drink - above all else

Related Episodes:


How Are You Spending Your Energy?

Going Alcohol-Free Later in Life

Pre and Post Party Planning to Stay Alcohol-Free

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